Allergies can be just as frustrating for pets as they are for people.
Whether your dog or cat is dealing with seasonal allergies, environmental allergens, or food sensitivities, these issues can lead to uncomfortable symptoms that affect their quality of life. easyvet Overland Park offers comprehensive allergy testing and treatment plans to bring your pet relief and get them back to feeling their best in Overland Park, KS.
Allergy Testing: Determining Your Pet’s Allergen
Pets with allergies often show signs such as excessive itching, licking, paw chewing, ear infections, red or irritated skin, or even respiratory symptoms. Identifying the source of these allergies is the first step toward effective treatment.
At easyvet Overland Park, we can perform in-house skin scrapings and skin impressions to identify underlying causes of irritation, such as infections, mites, or other skin conditions. For more targeted pet allergy testing, we can gather a sample for blood panel testing that is sent to an external laboratory. These pet allergy blood panels have been designed to identify common regional allergens like pollens, molds, and dust mites that may be causing your pet’s symptoms.
By pinpointing specific allergens, our veterinary team can develop a targeted plan to manage your pet’s condition and reduce their discomfort.

What if your pet has a food allergy or sensitivity?
Food allergies in pets can be tricky to diagnose, as there is no reliable blood or skin test available for these types of allergies. Instead, the most accurate method for identifying food allergies or sensitivities is through a dietary elimination trial.
During this process, your pet will be placed on a specific diet free from common culprits such as beef, chicken, dairy, or grains, depending on their typical diet. Over time, ingredients will be gradually reintroduced to identify which ones trigger symptoms. We can guide you through the elimination diet process and suggest effective methods to determine the right diet for your four-legged friend.
Common symptoms of food allergies in cats and dogs include:
- Chronic ear infections.
- Itchy skin, particularly around the face, ears, or paws.
- Gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea or vomiting.
How to Manage Allergies in Pets
Allergies may not have a “cure,” but there are many ways to manage your pet’s symptoms and improve their quality of life. Our team at easyvet Overland Park will develop a plan based on your pet’s allergies and make adjustments over time as needed. Allergy treatment options may include:
Allergy injections to desensitize your pet to specific allergens over time.
Prescribed allergy medications to reduce inflammation and itching.
Adjusting your pet’s diet to eliminate allergens or using prescription diets that support skin and coat health.
Medicated Shampoos and Topicals:
Special shampoos, sprays, or creams to soothe irritated skin and reduce itchiness.
Soothe symptoms with pet allergy management in Overland Park, KS.
Allergies can be frustrating to manage, but with the right testing and treatment plan, your four-legged friend can find lasting relief. Book an appointment online at easyvet Overland Park for a pet allergy consultation. If you want relief for your pet fast, call us to ask if any same-day appointments are available.
easyvet Overland Park provides pet allergy testing and treatment for cats and dogs in Overland Park, Lenexa, Shawnee, Leawood, Grandview, Loch Lloyd, Olathe, and neighboring Kansas areas.